Quiz-1 Answers

SGT started Quiz section and asked you some questions in 2011. But did not answered. Sorry, now here I give you answers and will be making more quizzes and answer as well.

1) What was her rank when she was playing at Wimbledon 1998 as 4th seed?
Answer: 75. (A week before, her rank 91 when she was given  seed No. 4 for Wimbledon by WTA)

2) How many matches there b/w Steffi and Seles in Chase - Year End Championships?
Answer: 1 (in 1998 YEC Quarter Final)

3) Why 1995 Paris Indoors tournament was like a celebration to her fans?
Answer: Because she didn't play Australian Open or any tourney till then and many journalists wrote that her career was over because of her back and then she came back in such a amazing form and confidence.

4) In which tournament,she defeated both Venus  Williams and Serena Williams in a row and a tournament?
Answer: 1999 Sydney International Tournament.

5) In which year, she got Germany's highest individual honor?
Answer: 2009.

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